More than 20 years experience in Supply Chain!

An international experience

Europe, Africa, Asia

A diversity of industries

• FMCG • Furniture
• Construction • Textile

About Us


We are specialists in Supply Chain with a good understanding of the entire business.

We are a specialist in Sales, Marketing, Financial, Human Resources who understand well the needs of Supply Chain.

If you want to understand your own Supply Chain in detail, we start with a personalized diagnosis, followed by the action and implementation plan.

If you are in a hurry and pressed, we will partially solve the problem (say the improvement of an indicator) and we will suggest a further roadmap.


We need 1-4 weeks to diagnose your company's Supply Chain. Finally you will find out which processes are going well or which are missing.

Strategic Supply Chain En

Strategic Supply Chain

From planning to execution.

Process implementation

Process implementation

Following the diagnosis, the processes are implemented.

Operational Indicators

Operational indicators give us the image of business health,.

Client Testimonials

Alex Bevz, CFO, food producer, Ukraine

“We successfully implemented demand planning process and we put in place a Supply Chain organization. Our operation is now totally connected to our strategy.”

Alex Bevz, CFO, food producer, Ukraine

Gheorhe Baciu, CEO, companie de distributie FMCG, Moldova.

« Cu ajutorul Supply Chain Consulting si datorita unei strategii clare, am reusit sa crestem profitabilitatea si gradul  de satisfactie al clientilor in acelasi timp. »

Gheorhe Baciu, CEO, companie de distributie FMCG, Moldova.

Ioan Balan, Director General, companie producatoare lactate, Romania

“Apreciem modul in care au fost inovate activitatile principale in lantul de distributie (depozitare, desfacere, achizitii, planificare) prin introducerea unor proiecte specifice si a unui management adecvat.”

Ioan Balan, Director General, companie producatoare lactate, Romania